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3 Tips on How to Celebrate the Success of Others

3 Tips on How to Celebrate the Success of Others

Someone else’s WIN is not your LOSS.


It seems “normal” to think that people would be happy when those around them do well, right? NOPE! I’m finding that this is not as common as you would want to believe. People will say and even act like they want you to succeed, but in reality most don’t want you to succeed—not more than them.

I am thinking of the time when my sister first bought her house. She was the first person in my immediate family to own a home and I was BEYOND excited for my sister’s accomplishment. Why was I excited? I was excited because at the time this was a major accomplishment for HER and my true inner feelings wanted to see my sister succeed. Therefore, if my sister succeeds—-I succeed and vice versa.

In this new age of society—especially with the advancement of social media, I am noticing that people are becoming more envious of people who they feel have passed their own level of success. And to be honest, this kind of competitiveness will unconsciously hold these people back. This is why having self-confidence in yourself is key. Because when you can celebrate the success of others without feeling jealous or cheated, you’re probably self-confident in your own abilities. You know you’ll succeed in your own right and you’re comfortable with that.

When you’re not exactly where you want to be, it can really hurt to see:

people on social media enjoying life

others traveling to exotic places

your friends doing big things

people in happy relationships

Below, here are 3 tips on how to celebrate the success of others:


1) Take a Deep Look at Yourself- obviously theres an underlying layer of issues that need to be addressed within. Maybe, it’s time to do some “unpacking”, because self-discovery is key and attainable. Ask yourself what it is about the other person’s success that makes you feel threatened and then maybe you can start to heal.

2) Stop Comparing Yourself to Others- comparison is the thief of all joy. You are YOU and that’s your gift. Own your own crafts and embrace them. There’s far too much people trying to be like someone else and it’s unsatisfying. Please be yourself and own your skills.

3) Stay Present When Someone Shares Their Good News- You ever shared good news with someone and then they either change the subject or go on their phone? Well that’s rude and not being present for other people’s wins. And, that type of behavior would make me never want to be around a person like this anymore. So please actively listen when other’s are sharing news with you because one day you will want someone to listen to your news as well.

Hope you enjoyed the read and talk to you next week! xoxox

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